Lesson 1 – Let’s Get Started

As this is our first lesson together I felt that I should tell you a little bit about myself and what you can expect as we go through these lessons together.
Hi, I’m Trevor Greenfield and I live in the UK in an area that we call the West Midlands and run my business from a small local office.
I’ve been marketing online since 1996 initially as an affiliate for other people’s products but as time has gone on I got into developing my own products.
I now help other people coming online through a range of coaching programs including this blog, run several successful niche sites and produce a regular email newsletter for a growing list of subscribers.
I also consult with many large corporates on how to incorporate Internet technologies into their operations and utilize the power of marketing online.
While the training, advice and guidance that I give through my various channels is of benefit to anyone coming online to make money, I am especially passionate about helping the large community of people who are nearing or at retirement age and finding that the income they have to live on is a lot less than they need or thought it was going to be.
My Core Values
I believe our core values are the most important indicator of who we are. They underpin everything we do in life and in business. We cannot act in a way that is contrary to our core values, our system would not allow that and we wouldn’t feel comfortable with it either.My core values can be summarized as follows:
- To be true to my beliefs in everything that I do
- To respect all persons for who they are irrespective of creed, race, color and gender
- To strive to provide quality information and valuable service in everything that I do
- To always act with honesty, integrity and compassion
- To always be approachable irrespective of my experience, wealth and social standing
- To continue to learn and grow in order to provide the most current help and guidance
My Mission Statement
To provide the very best help, advice and guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs based on my own knowledge and the knowledge of members of my company. To always act with the highest principles and code of practice putting my clients and colleagues interests and needs first.
My Vision
- To be among the most respected providers of information on the Internet.
- To build a growing list of entrepreneurs who, with the benefit of our training courses, coaching and mentoring have become wildly successful in their own businesses.
- To build an organisation that my successors will be proud to take forward to even greater heights.
Hopefully that gives you clearer picture of who I am and what my goals are going forward.
Trevor’s Tips Lessons
You will see that I start these lessons right from the most basic starting point. I want to make sure that if this is your first exposure to anything to do with the Internet and especially making some income using the Internet, that you don’t feel lost before you even get going.
So many of the tutorials that I see online assume quite a bit of prior knowledge and in doing so leave a lot of would be success online marketers out in the cold.
I don’t want that so I’m starting at the beginning. What that means is that some of you will find the early lessons a bit too basic but I hope you’ll bear with me while I allow the newbies to catch up.
You might still actually find some useful information in the early lessons that have passed you by in the past so it’s still worth just checking them out.
The lessons are based on my experience online over the past 20 years during which time I’ve made a consistent, regular income from selling my own products online and as an affiliate selling other people’s products.
I still remember my first affiliate commission way back in 1997. I had become an affiliate for Cory Rudl’s Internet Marketing Center and made a sale from my website that earned me a $7 commission.
The small $7 commission may as well have been $7000 because it told me that it was really possible to earn money online even without my own product.
My family couldn’t understand at the time why I was so excited over a measly $7 but for me it was a very significant milestone.
My goal is to help you reach that same milestone, and charge right past it, in the shortest time possible.
My summary of the main takeaways from this lesson;
I’m starting at the very beginning here for a very good reason. The biggest problem being experienced by people trying to make an income from the Internet is overwhelm. But not just that it’s also that the information being put out is disjointed or just little bits of the overall puzzle. Hardly anybody is presenting the information in a logical order that is easy to follow and benefit from.
If you have some experience online you may feel that the first few lessons are too basic but please bear with me because we are going to get to more advanced material very soon. Actually though, many more experienced online marketers find some useful insights in these early lessons so it is still well worth going through them.
Action steps from this lesson;
1. Read the lesson.
2. Add my email trevor@trevorstips.com to your address book or whitelist to be sure that they don’t get caught in your spam filters.
3. Create a folder on your computer or email program to save all of these tips emails to for future reference.
Keep an eye out for your next lesson when I’ll be asking you to consider the pros and cons of running a business and why it’s not for everybody.
That’s all I wanted to cover this time – I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson when we’ll start to get down to business.